Rupes Plumbing provides a full range of residential plumbing services to households across Sydney’s Inner West & Metropolitan Areas.
Leaky taps or difficult to turn off?
Let us reseat your old taps and bring them back to as new or better condition.
Our $149 Service Call includes the first hour and generally covers the reconditioning of up to 4 standard taps.
Toilet cistern keeps running?
Our $149 Service Call includes the first hour and covers the cost of replacement washers and seals where necessary. If the cistern is an old model but still looks great and you don’t want the expense of replacing it, we can completely replace all the internal components with new modern parts for $249 and in some cases convert old single flush units to water saving dual flush units.
Need an additional tap in the garden or laundry?
Our $149 Service Call includes the first hour and will cover the labour component. Only extra you pay is for materials and with some basic information we can quote that over the phone.
Kitchen flick mixer old and tired or broken?
All you pay is $149 and supply a new mixer or we can supply from $49
Need a new pair of bathroom basin taps, laundry taps or washing machine taps?
All you pay is $149 and supply the replacement taps or let us supply from $49 per pair.
Bought a new bathroom vanity and need it fitted?
Whether floor standing or floating we can fit it for $349 and take away your old one. This includes new isolation valves and waste trap. All you need to supply is the cabinet, basin and plug and waste.
These are just a sample of the residential plumbing services we offer. We offer free advice only a phone call away. No matter how large or small the job.